
Taheya Karioka biography

Born in the Egyptian town of Ismaïlia to Mohamed Kareem, Tahiya was discouraged from performing as a dancer by her family. Due to family differences that could not be settled with her father and brothers, she moved to Cairo to stay with an old neighbour, Suad Mahasen, a night club owner and an artist. Tahiya had asked several times for employment in Suad's nightclub but Suad refused to employ her due to the disreputability of working at a night club. However, many of Suad's associates and friends became acquainted with Tahiya through various visits to Suad's home. They all advised Suad to add her to one of the shows as a chorus girl but still she refused. Soon, Tahiya was mentioned to Badia Masabni, the owner of Casino Opera, one of the most prominent nightclubs of the time. Badia offered a position in her troupe to Tahiya. Tahiya accepted and was given the stage name Tahiya Mohamed. She soon began gaining popularity as a solo dancer and as she became more experienced she learned a popular Samba dance from Brasil at the time called the Karioka. After that she became known as Tahiya Karioca. Tahiya began starring in movies during what is dubbed as the Egyptian film industry's "Golden Age". She was a talented dancer, singer, and actress. In 1972, the film “Watch out for Zouzou”, starring Soad Hosni with Tahiya performing the supporting role, was released to become the biggest box- office hit in Egyptian cinema to date!.
Tahiya was married 14 times; among her husbands were actor Rushdy Abaza and playwright Fayez Halawa. Tahiya was unable to conceive any children of her own and hence adopted a daughter (Atiyat Allah). Tahiya also was very involved with her sibling's children. Tahiya later moved to London.
Tahyia died of a heart attack on September 20th, 1999, aged 84.


  • Mercedes (1993)
  • Iskanderiya, kaman wi kaman (Alexandria Again and Forever) (1990)
  • Weda'an Bonapart (Goodbye Bonaparte) (1985)
  • Saqqa mat, al- (The Water-Carrier Is Dead) (Film, 1977)
  • Tareek, al- (The Road) (1964)
  • Imm el aroussa (Mother of the Bride) (1963)
  • Hira wa chebab Ana zanbi eh? (Is It My Fault?) (1953)
  • Ibn al ajar (A Child for Rent) (1953)
  • Muntasir, El (The Conqueror) (1952)
  • Omm el katila, El (The Criminal Mother) (1952)
  • Zuhur el fatina, El (The Charming Flowers) (1952)
  • Feiruz hanem (Mrs. Feiruz) (1951)
  • Ibn el halal (The True-born Son) (1951)
  • Khadaini abi (My Father Deceived Me) (1951)
  • Akbal el bakari (A Large Family) (1950)
  • Ayni bi-triff (My Eye Is Winking) (1950)
  • Aheb el raks (I Like Dancing) (1949)
  • Amirat el djezira (The Princess of the Island) (1949)
  • Katel, El (The Murderer) (1949)
  • Mandeel al helu (The Beauty's Veil) (1949)
  • Hub wa junun (Love and Madness) (1948)
  • Ibn el fellah (The Peasant's Son) (1948)
  • Yahia el fann (Long Live Art) (1948)
  • Li'bat al sitt (The Lady's Puppet) (1946)
  • Ma akdarshi (I Can't Do It) (1946)
  • Najaf (1946)
  • Sabr tayeb, El (Have Patience) (1946)
  • Aheb el baladi (I Like Home Cooking) (1945)
  • Hub El awal, El (First Love) (1945)
  • Lailat el jumaa (Friday Evening) (1945)
  • Naduga (1944)
  • Rabiha-takiet el ekhfaa (The Magic Hat) (1944)
  • Taqiyyat al ikhfa (1944)
  • Ahlam El shabab (Dreams of Youth) (1943)
  • Ahib Al ghalat (I Like Mistakes) (1942)

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